RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: Mary E. Miller, Vice Chancellor
Division of Administration
NUMBER OF PAGES: Two and attachments
University of California – Be Smart About Safety Program Guidelines, April 1, 2009
University of California, Merced – Policy on Management of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety, June 2, 2007
SUMMARY OF POLICY: It is the policy of the University to prevent losses due to occupational injuries/illnesses and property damage to the greatest extent feasible and practicable, with an ultimate goal of no losses in any given year. Expenditure of funds under this policy will be given priority towards projects which introduce new, effective loss prevention efforts consistent with the University of California Be Smart About Safety Program Guidelines.
While it is the responsibility of management to budget for effective safety within their organization, expenditures under this policy can provide financial assistance to address unforeseen serious safety issues and/or support injury prevention efforts with compelling benefits.
This policy and the encompassing loss prevention projects are but one part of more comprehensive safety and risk management programs within the university.
SCOPE: This policy encompasses the tracking, allocation, expenditure, assessment and reporting of special funds through the Be Smart About Safety Program designated to be used for loss prevention efforts. This includes the areas of Workers Compensation injury/illness prevention, general liability, property losses, automobile accident losses, and employment practices liability.
This program is funded by the UC system wide Be Smart About Safety program money as well as the Workers Compensation rebate program.
Deans, Directors, Managers: Makes safety a priority in their operations including, but not limited to, budgeting for safety equipment, training and other expenditures which reduce the risk of injuries and/or property losses. Management personnel are also encouraged to discuss with their supervisors and employees ideas which may reduce injuries or properly losses and, thus, be possibly eligible for funding under this program.
Supervisors: Ensures that hazards to which their employees are exposed are identified and that employees are properly trained on the commensurate safe work practices including the proper selection and use of personal protective equipment.
Environmental Health & Safety: Provides first-line project evaluation for eligibility, technical soundness, feasibility and effectiveness as well as assist departments in developing proposals.
Risk Services: Acts as lead in coordinating the procedures under this policy.
Workers Compensation Program: Provides lost-time incidence data in analysis of proposed projects.
Budget Office: Provides guidance on budgetary planning for BSAS projects which should transition from BSAS funds to other funds.
Business Financial Services: Tracks BSAS funds as they are disseminated from UCOP to the campus and then placed into the appropriate fund/account for departments with approved BSAS projects. Prepares a quarterly financial report on all BSAS funds and provide the report to committee members.
Be Smart About Safety Committee: The committee is comprised of representatives from Environmental Health & Safety, Risk Services, Business Financial Services, Workers Compensation, Student Affairs, and Academic Affairs as well as a designee from the office of the Vice Chancellor, Administration. The committee is responsible to (1) evaluate and recommend approval of loss prevention program proposals submitted under this policy; (2) evaluate the effectiveness of projects implemented under this policy; (3) sets priorities for loss prevention efforts based on camps loss experience and trends; (4) submit an annual report to the Vice Chancellor for Administration and UCOP on the activities and effectiveness of the BSAS proposals.