Incident Reporting General Guidelines
Incident Reporting is intended to record the initial facts of an incident which fall into the categories defined below. The information gathered is important for analyzing the cause of an incident and implementing corrective and preventive measures to minimize recurrence. The Incident Reporting form is to be used to report within 24 hours of initial discovery, or as soon as practical, any incident or near miss involving UC Merced employees, students, guests, or volunteers. This form can be completed by any UCM employee, student, guest or volunteer.
Exposure: An incident in which a person is exposed to environmental conditions that have potential for bodily harm such as toxic fumes, vapors, gases or airborne particles; temperature extremes; oxygen deficiency; radioactivity; or intense light.
Injury (minor/first aid): Injury to an employee, student, guest or volunteer where only minor first aid is needed (e.g. band-aid). Medical treatment from a qualified health professional is not sought or (if an employee) no time is lost from work.
Near miss: An incident that produced no property damage or injury, but had the potential to do so
Property damage: Undesired event that results in minor property damage to University buildings/land when the monetary damage is estimated at less than $1000
Release to the environment: Spill, leak, discharge to the environment (e.g. groundwater, soil, or air)
Safety concern: Concern regarding a hazard in the workplace or on campus
Vehicle Collision Incident: A minor situation involving a motor vehicle that results in minor/first aid injury or monetary damage is estimated at less than $500
Note: This incident reporting procedure is a loss prevention record keeping function and is ancillary to the Sedgwick Workers Compensation or Claims Reporting hotlines.