Summary: Students traveling to participate in off-campus activities sponsored and supervised by the University, are covered 24 hours a day, worldwide, for a wide variety of accidents and incidents.
This Student Off-Campus Travel Insurance is supplemental insurance and does NOT take the place of a student’s personal health insurance. All students must still meet the requirement of having personal health insurance in effect.
Service and Benefits
The following travel assistance services and benefits are available to students who travel 100+ miles from campus to participate in University sponsored and supervised off-campus activities:
- Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Security Extraction (not subject to the mileage limitation
- Accident/Sickness Medical (U.S. $10,000/occurrence; Foreign $100,000/occurrence
- Other Travel Assistance Services: Such as passport replacement assistance, legal assistance referrals (when the student traveler is 100+ miles from campus)
- Accidental Death, Dismemberment, or Paralysis Benefits
- Repatriation of Remains
Register Out-of-State and Foreign Travel
This broad coverage is provided at no cost to the student, but the student will need to register all out-of-state and foreign country travel to ensure coverage for each covered off-campus activity. Coverage is also provided for in-state off-campus activities, but registration is not required.
Importance of Registering
Accurate information on travel plans is needed to deliver the services and protections the travel insurance policy offers. Your registration information serves to verify eligibility to the insurance company if you submit a claim, use any benefit, or request travel assistance services. Registering travel will also help direct aid to travelers in the event of natural disaster or major political event in their travel destination.
All travel booked using UC Travel Center on Connexxus will automatically be registered. Employees using other booking methods must register their travel plans prior to departure: Register online at Upon registration, students will receive confirmation of coverage and the toll-free number to call in an emergency.
Registration for iJet
Once you register for travel insurance, you will be prompted to provide some additional information in order to receive travel alerts and an iJet Trip Intelligence Briefing. iJet registrants will receive security and emergency alerts/instructions while traveling. This will enable iJet and UC Merced to contact you should an emergency situation unfold that may affect you or your fellow travelers.
If you do not receive a welcome email from iJet automatically, click HERE to register directly into the iJet system.
Related Information
UC Student Off-Campus Travel Coverage
For assistance and information contact