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Financial & Operational Risk Committee (FORC)

Risk is the chance of something happening that will impact the University, either positive or negative. The University of California and UC Merced senior leadership embrace a collaborative view of managing risk. Part of this collaborative approach to managing risk is the Finance & Operations Risk Workgroup.
The Financial & Operational Risk Committee (FORC) is a standing subcommittee of the Ethics and Compliance Program (ECP) Council.
Group members are Internal Audit Director, Policy & Accountability Director, Police Lieutenant, Police and Public Safety Support Services Manager, Fire Marshal, Facilities Management (FM) Campus Services Director, FM Central Plant Superintendent, 2020/Construction Director, Treasury & Disbursements Director, Housing & Dining Director, Student Life Business Officer, EHS Lab Safety Specialist, Campus Information Security Officer, and Risk Manager. The Risk Manager leads the activities of the Workgroup.
The FORC Workgroup will assist the ECP Council in the following ways:
  1. Provide leadership in the identification, resolution, and monitoring of cross-organizational issues related to financial and operational risks
  2. Assist in the elimination of functional, cultural, and department barriers in dealing with risks.
  3. Identify opportunities to advance risk awareness and develop mitigation strategies relative to the identified risks.
  4. Prioritize risks for treatment and identify the lead person/department responsible.
  5. Provide key financial and operational risk management information to the Ethics & Compliance Program Management Council where critical issues will be funneled through the CECO to the Chancellor and cabinet.
Senior management (Chancellor and cabinet) will continue to be responsible to identify and manage strategic risks. The Ethics & Compliance Program Management Council will continue to be responsible to identify and manage compliance risks.
The F&O Risk Workgroup will meet monthly. Visitors may be invited to attend and contribute to meetings as needed.